Blue Ox Baseplates

For the most accurate and up-to-date vehicle selection chart please visit the Blue Ox Fit Chart: Found Here.

Once you have obtained your BlueOX baseplate part number for the vehicle you wish to tow, you can copy and paste or type that number (which for example should read as BX1234) directly into our search bar that is located in the upper right hand corner of your screen. Its says "Search: Keyword or Item Number" and is followed by the blue "GO" button. This will automatically find your baseplate for you and save you the time of searching through hundreds of available options. 

If you do not see your plate listed, please call us at 866-713-3429 with the BlueOX part number and we will gladly add it for you.

Sort By
BlueOx Baseplate BX3314
Item #: 57878
BlueOx Baseplate BX2227
Item #: 58621
BlueOx Baseplate BX2905
Item #: 59283
BlueOx Baseplate BX1302
Item #: 59827
BlueOx Baseplate BX1509
Item #: 59828
Special Order - Ships Direct From Manufacturer
BlueOx Baseplate BX1604
Item #: 59829
BlueOx Baseplate BX1644
Item #: 59830
BlueOx Baseplate BX1645
Item #: 59831
BlueOx Baseplate BX1646
Item #: 59832
BlueOx Baseplate BX1647
Item #: 59833
BlueOx Baseplate BX1807
Item #: 59834
BlueOx Baseplate BX1829
Item #: 59835